I want to help you understand how to use a copy wallet in a few simple steps.
This article will only be about using a copy wallet, if you want more general information about the project, please visit the DeXe.Network
You need to have a MetaMask wallet and visit the website Wallet to Wallet v2 to log in and start using the copying system.
1. How to Create a Copy Wallet Contract
First follow these two steps to get ready to deposit minimum 0.1 ETH and to create a new contract for your wallet copying.
Mark the amount you want to deposit and confirm, you will also need to confirm via MetaMask that you want to create a contract.
Once the contract is created, information about it can be found here.
2. How to Save, Edit, Delete Favorite wallet
Copy wallet address into empty search line and follow this steps.
In order to delete favorited wallet, follow this steps, also you can edit wallet information by selecting pencil mark.
By selecting star mark You can see all your favorited wallets. If you do not know where to find good traders, I can recommend You to visit https://competition.dexe.network/ maybe you will find wallet to copy.
3. How to Navigate your Copied wallet Information
- Wallet address that You want to Copy.
- Switch between own and copied wallet information.
- Same assets that both, you and copy wallet have in balance.
- Shows yours or copied wallet balance.
You also can copy other assets like DeXe token, simple select and confirm, if copied wallet Bought DeXe, you Buy, if it Sold DeXe, you Sell.
Remember ETH gas fees used from W2W contract balance.
Now scroll down and see Active Copies and History of Trades what you done by copying one or another wallet of your choice. Multiple copies are available.
By dragging mouse to mark 1 you can see information according by what criteria you copy selected wallet. Mark 2 shows, what you can do with copied wallet. Delete, edit, view copied wallet.
4. How to Copy Wallet Tutorial?
I did not done direct step by step how to copy wallet, because DeXe Team already done brilliant and easy Tutorial, Thanks to Them.
Now Go and Try Wallet to Wallet v2
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